"Supporting Our Deployed Service Members and The Canine Mascots They Love"

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Veterinarians & Health Information

Information for your Mascot to be able to enter the US:

Rabies Vaccines: Dogs must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days before entering the United States. This requirement does not apply, however, to puppies less than three months of age* or to dogs originating or located for at least six months in areas designated by the U.S. Public Health Service as being rabies-free. The following procedures pertain to dogs arriving from areas that are not free of rabies: A valid rabies vaccination certificate should accompany the animal. This certificate should be in English or be accompanied by a translation. It should identify the animal, the dates of vaccination and expiration, and be signed by a licensed veterinarian. If no expiration date is specified, the certificate is acceptable if the date of vaccination is no more than 12 months before the date of arrival.

If a vaccination has not been performed, or if the certificate is not valid, the animal may be admitted if it is confined upon arrival at a place of the owner's choosing. The dog must be vaccinated within four days after arrival at the final destination, but no more than 10 days after arrival at the port of entry. The animal must remain in confinement for at least 30 days after being vaccinated. If the vaccination was performed less than 30 days before arrival, the animal may be admitted but must be confined at a place of the owner's choosing until at least 30 days have passed since the vaccination. Owners of dogs that do not have a valid rabies certificate are required to fill out and sign a "Notice to Owners & Importers of Dogs" at the port of entry, which is submitted to the quarantine station that oversees the port of entry. Be aware, the quarantine station follows up with the owner's local health department, to ensure the vaccination takes place. So it is essential that the owner complies with these requirements.

An owner's home can be the "place of the owner's choosing."

*Young puppies must be confined at a place of the owner's choosing until they are three months old, then they must be vaccinated. They must remain in confinement for 30 days. Dogs that arrive in Hawaii or Guam, both of which are free of rabies, are subject to the state's or territory's quarantine requirements, in addition to whatever other Public Health Service requirements, above, apply.

Veterinarian Listings


Baghdad Zoo : Dr. Murrani

Belgrade: (ORCA) The Animal Welfare Organisation of the Faculty of veterinary medicine at the University of Belgrade. orca_vet@yahoo.com


Humane Center for Animal Welfare


Cheju National Universtiy
Veterinary Teaching Hospital Department of Surgery
Ara 1 Dong Cheju City,
Cheju Do #690-756 Korea
Tel: 82-64-754-3370
Fax: 82-64-725-3380
Email: cjt123@cheju.cheju.ac.kr
Cheju National University-Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Dr. Jongtae Cheong
Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm


International Veterinary Hospital
Phone: 3261421 or 3261426 / Ahmadi, Kuwait
Open 8 a.m.to 1 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday through Thursday, but the hospital and kennels are staffed 24 hours a day. Fridays, vet is available from 4 to 7 p.m.

Global Vet Listings:


USA Military Veterinarians: