The information you provide below will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone, this information will be used to reach you as well as ship your care packages to you.

Name: Rank: Branch:

APO Address:

Where Deployed: End Date:

Canine Care Pack Requests: Please let us know what you may need for your Mascot.

Tell us about your Mascot: age: 2-4 Mos. 4-6 mos. 6-9 Mos. Over one year

Male Female

Approx Height & Weight of your Mascot:

Soldier Care Pack Requests:  Is there something you need or want?

 Your Favorite Music:

Your Favorite Magazines:

Is there someone here in the States you may want contacted about your Mascot, If so please include their name, phone number or an email address.

