"Supporting Our Deployed Service Members and The Canine Mascots They Love"

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We've have reunited with our Soldiers in the US!

    Photo Permissions not granted for any other use except on this website. All photos are copyright 2003-2004 to their soldiers or their rightful photographers and should not be removed from this website without consent.

Eva took on the huge task of greeting Tripod's 3 pups on May 5th, Habibi, Freedom, Lynn & also Lucky Lady and put her on to her second flight for home.

Lady Lucky while in Kuwait and with Eva on arrival May 5th, looking very happy!
Once again, Thank you Eva for all your help & support!!
"Lucky Lady's story is a sad one, she was found starved & beaten, she was so afraid of her rescuer she would not even stand up and had to be carried to a vet for help while shaking and crying. She has turned in to a lovely dog, healthy and loves everyone.

Niki made it home in April! Many thanks to Eva for greeting Niki at the airport, clearing customs with her and putting her on her connecting flight for home! Thank you once again Eva, we appreciate all your help and can assure you so do the soldiers & their families! View photos of Niki at home!

Mollie & Skip made it home in March all the way from Adana, Turkey! Special Thanks to volunteer Karen for greeting them at the airport and driving them to the vet for boarding overnight before their second flights home to their Soldiers.

Bear made it home in March!
"Bear" was found running alone on an Airbase when he was barely 6 weeks old
Sinbad in Iraq (Left) & Sinbad with his Airport volunteer, Eva

    Sinbad arrived in Feb, Thank you Eva for greeting Sinbad at the airport and personally escorting him on his flight home to his soldiers family!

"MeowWoof", OK, I know the mission reads as canine mascots, but "Sinbad" like the other kitties who have needed a hand have all assured me that they can meow "dog talk" if it will help them... so this is good enough for us.

Read about Honey's Journey Home: Honey, I'm Home! by Tech Trax Computing
Special thanks to Tamara for greeting Honey at the airport and housing her overnight & Greg for his 14 hour drive! Many Thanks to these volunteers for their offered services to see Honey get home to her family: Karen, Tina, Debbie & Larry. You folks are awesome!
"Honey" was rescued away from a group of local boys that were kicking her & beating her with sticks.

Many thanks to volunteer Francoise, for her help to see Blondie home!

"Salem" (another kitty who can bark!) who has being hanging out in Kuwait arrived in Jan with another kitty friend "Frankie"

Update: Gjini landed in the US on November 9th to reunite with her Cpt. thanks to a UNMIK volunteer from Kosovo who allowed her to hitch a plane ride with him!
Little Gjini in Kosovo awaits a plane ride home to the states because she was not allowed on a military flight home with her Cpt. on his redeployment date despite being on orders as an official Army mascot. Phone calls, emails & faxes to the appropriate parties were not successful in helping Gjini's fight to come home with her Cpt.

Update: Kitties arrived safe and sound on 10/24/03
"The Kuwait Kitty Boys"
Now I bet you are wondering why there are cats on this page, well the truth is that both of these kitties assured me they could BARK...enough said!

"AJ Freedom" arrived on October 15, 2003. Checking out Lake Michigan for the first time!

We all made it home in November & December 2003


Update Nov 19th, 2003, Dusty landed today!
9/11/03: Dusty and 3 friends head for Baghdad to begin her journey for quarantine before coming home to the states! You can read all about Dusty here at her original fundraiser pages!


Dusty age 5 months & when first rescued at 8 weeks old.

Nellie landed in the US on 8 December!
Nellie in Baghdad, just learning to trust her soldier for a kind pat or two.

Dusty, Ok Guys....just hide behind these sand bags like this!

Update: Nov 30th Leroy is now home in the US.
Leroy in Baghdad, There's nothing like my Buddies Lap!

Dusty, This is the life...they walk I ride!

I made it home, 2003!

"Baghdad" ~ Put me down, put me down, I said put me down!

Copyright © 2003-2004 Bonnie Buckley- Military Mascots